

Important information for consumers, electricity suppliers, DSOs, TSOs on amendments to the Rules of the retail electricity market

On August 12, 2022, at an open meet­ing of the Nation­al Ener­gy and Util­i­ties Reg­u­la­to­ry Com­mis­sion (NEURC), NEURC Res­o­lu­tion No. 924 “On Approval of Amend­ments to the Rules of the Retail Elec­tric­i­ty Mar­ket” was adopted.

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Spot electricity market during the war: resilience and price stability

How does the elec­tric­i­ty mar­ket work dur­ing the war and when will the EU be able to buy Ukrain­ian electricity? 

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NEURC plans to approve a draft resolution on new price caps in the electricity market next week

The ener­gy reg­u­la­tor plans to approve a draft res­o­lu­tion on set­ting price caps on the elec­tric­i­ty mar­ket next week.

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NGOs called on the Ministry of Digital Transformation to adjust the approach to open data in Ukraine

We call on the Min­istry of Dig­i­tal Trans­for­ma­tion of Ukraine to aban­don the ini­tia­tive to fur­ther restrict access to pub­lic data, as mak­ing such changes not only con­tra­dicts the law, but also cre­ates cer­tain threats. This is stat­ed in the state­ment of about twen­ty NGOs, includ­ing the DiXi Group think tank. 

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