
Smart energy for your business

We supply electricity for your business

Supply of electric power

Flexible tariffs, transparent cooperation for your business

About us

NAP-Community is a reliable supplier of electricity for your business

The com­pa­ny is an active par­tic­i­pant in the whole­sale ener­gy mar­ket and meets all legal require­ments. We offer favor­able tar­iffs by opti­miz­ing the pur­chase of elec­tric­i­ty in the whole­sale mar­ket, as well as flex­i­ble con­di­tions for cooperation.

Today, every indus­tri­al or pri­vate con­sumer has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to choose their own, more effi­cient and reli­able supplier.

Company’s figures

NAP-Community achievements


Supply region

960 mln. kW

Total sales volume

12 +

Corporate clients


Why choose us?



Flexible approach to cost and terms


Support 24/7

Customer support and consultation 24/7


Personal manager

Customer support and consultation 24/7


Assistance in the transition

Assistance in the transition to change the supplier


Precise prices

We tell about the prices in simple language

Estimation of the price
for electricity

We offer flexible pricing and convenient payment schedule, personal discounts and the ability not to make a full prepayment for electricity

Our com­pa­ny is ful­ly respon­si­ble for the results of its work, for the ful­fill­ment of oblig­a­tions and qual­i­fi­ca­tions of its spe­cial­ists. All our efforts are aimed pri­mar­i­ly at meet­ing the needs and demands of our customers.

Personal Account

Consumer’s personal account

Your consumption is under your control 24/7 using the online cabinet

To the consumer personal account


Consumption monitoring

Quick access to tracking and analysis of electricity consumption


Information about Cost and Price 

Flexible approach to cost and conditions


Control of Payments

Control the supply and payment for electricity consumption


Access to Accounts and Acts

Convenient and fast service of information exchange and provision


Latest news


Important information for consumers, electricity suppliers, DSOs, TSOs on amendments to the Rules of the retail electricity market

In more detail


NEURC plans to approve a draft resolution on new price caps in the electricity market next week

In more detail


NGOs called on the Ministry of Digital Transformation to adjust the approach to open data in Ukraine

In more detail


Are there any questions?

Provide your contact details and open questions, we will contact you

    Your full name *

    Phone num­ber *

    Your Email *

    Your ques­tion

    Down­load the file 

    I agree to the pol­i­cy rules for the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data

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